The New Zealand Bootleg - 1979 |
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— According to local fokelore, this was the handiwork of a demented New Zealand collector — Apparently, only fifty copies of this New Zealand bootleg were ever pressed, making it undoubtedly one of the most infamous Shads bootlegs ever, and highly sought after by international collectors .. |
Would You Believe It! First Issue (1979) - Hand Made Cover A small number of the total of fifty pressings were released in 1979 under this cover layout/concept, but the "production run" of covers was very unprofessional (actually black & white photocopies, and not the intended colour cover format shown above). My own copy (which is the example shown above) is in a sample (mocked-up) colour cover - note the "Sellotape" across the top of the image. Regretably I have thus far never even seen an example of the photocopied version or a coloured reproduction. |