The New Zealand Bootleg - 1979
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—  According to local fokelore, this was the handiwork of a demented New Zealand collector  —
Apparently, only fifty copies of this New Zealand bootleg were ever pressed, making it undoubtedly one of the most infamous Shads bootlegs ever, and highly sought after by international collectors ..

SM 6580 (1979) Front Cover SM 6580 (1979) Back Cover

Would You Believe It!   First Issue (1979) - Hand Made Cover

A small number of the total of fifty pressings were released in 1979 under this cover layout/concept, but the "production run" of covers was very unprofessional (actually black & white photocopies, and not the intended colour cover format shown above).  My own copy (which is the example shown above) is in a sample (mocked-up) colour cover - note the "Sellotape" across the top of the image.  Regretably I have thus far never even seen an example of the photocopied version or a coloured reproduction.